Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Homeschooling vs. Public School

As a person who has been homeschooled and public schooled, I believe the majority of homeschooled parents and students have a very unrealistic belief of what public school is-
Your average homeschooler (and the parents) believe that public school is a place, where upon entering homeroom, you will be handed drugs by the teacher. Of course there are children being beaten in the hallway, and naturally everyone in having sex in plain sight. Oh, and I forgot to mention, of course no one is actually working to receive a well rounded education....
As for any homeschooler believing those ridiculous and false assumptions on any public school, I believe the guilt would lie directly on the shoulders of their parents for brainwashing them, biased magazines and papers such as HSLDA, NGJ, and the Catholic Herold. A gullible little home schooler might also believe such things just from watching a fiction movie in which a public high school is displayed in that stereotyped manner. Homeschoolers also tend to think they are better than public schoolers (And everybody else) when it comes to education, I believe that is based on undeserved pride. While it is true that many homeschoolers are very intelligent, I have seen families that practically do housework and "learn how to run a house, and raise a family"...haha.
The moral of the story is, don't judge unless you know what your talking about, do not eat opinions and beliefs that are fed to you by people in authority who you know hold contempt for the group they are attempting to make you despise, and dont believe everything you see on television kids.

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog! I think public school is wonderful, and every child should experience it, creates great friendships and skills you just can't learn at home!
